Can I Buy a Life Insurance Policy on a Mortgage?

Buying a home is a significant financial commitment, and protecting that investment is crucial. One way to do this is by purchasing life insurance to cover your mortgage. But can you buy a life insurance policy specifically for your mortgage? Yes, you can, and here’s how it works.

What Is Mortgage Life Insurance?

Mortgage life insurance is designed to pay off your mortgage if you pass away before it’s fully paid. The death benefit goes directly to your lender, ensuring that your family isn’t burdened with mortgage payments during a difficult time.

How Does It Work?

There are two main types of mortgage life insurance:

  1. Decreasing Term Insurance: The death benefit decreases over time, matching your mortgage balance. This type is usually more affordable, with premiums staying the same while the coverage amount decreases.
  2. Level Term Insurance: The death benefit remains the same throughout the policy term. This offers more flexibility, as any leftover funds after paying the mortgage can be used for other expenses.

Advantages and Considerations


  • Peace of Mind: Your family won’t have to worry about mortgage payments if you die unexpectedly.
  • Affordability: Decreasing term insurance is typically less expensive than other types of life insurance.

Alternatives to Mortgage Life Insurance

Before deciding, consider these alternatives:

  • Term Life Insurance: Offers a fixed death benefit for a set period, such as 10, 15, 20, or 30 years. Your beneficiaries can use the payout for any purpose, including paying off the mortgage. It often provides more flexibility and can be more affordable.
  • Whole Life Insurance: Provides coverage for your entire life and includes a cash value component. It’s more expensive but offers lifelong protection and can serve as an investment.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing between mortgage life insurance and other types of life insurance depends on your financial situation and goals. If you want a straightforward way to cover your mortgage, mortgage life insurance might be a good fit. However, if you prefer flexibility and potentially better value, a term life insurance policy could be a better option.


Buying a life insurance policy to cover your mortgage can provide valuable peace of mind and financial security for your family. Carefully weigh your options, consider your needs, and choose the best policy to protect your home and loved ones. Request a free life insurance quote to protect your mortgage.