Burial Life Insurance Plans

What are burial life insurance plans and how do they work?

Burial insurance plans are small life insurance policies that provide the money to pay for your final expenses.

It’s a way for you to make sure your loved ones are not put in a financially stressful situation, having to pay for your final expenses out of their own pockets.

By purchasing a burial life plan, you get the peace of mind knowing you’ve prepared for the future, and shown respect your family, by providing funds for them to pay for your final expenses.

Your loved ones will appreciate that you’ve planned ahead, and provided the money needed to pay for your end of life expenses.

Burial Expense policies usually offer up to $20,000 of coverage without the hassles of any medical exam or health questions asked. Here’s how to get burial life insurance plans.


How to Buy Burial Insurance Direct?

Can I purchase burial insurance direct?

Yes, there are life insurance carriers that offer burial insurance plans direct online which you can purchase direct from the insurer.

Most burial life insurance policies are no exam plans and may offer guaranteed issue coverage (no health questions asked) for people meeting the age requirements for acceptance.

Guaranteed issue burial insurance may be available for people ages 40-80, 45-75, or 45-85, depending on the insurance company offering the coverage.

Some life insurers offer from $3,000 up to $25,000 of burial insurance protection.

Here’s how to buy burial insurance direct.


Why is Burial Insurance Needed?

People choose to purchase a burial insurance policy to leave funds for their loved ones to pay for their final expenses.

Burial insurance is an affordable alternative to buying a term life or whole life insurance plan.

It’s s a great choice for people who cannot afford life insurance or who have been turned down for a life insurance policy.

Also, with the average cost of a funeral totaling over $7,000 in 2012, many people cannot afford a proper burial and funeral.

Burial insurance helps alleviate the high cost of passing and makes sure your family is not left with the financial stress of paying for your final expenses while they are mourning your loss.

Here’s how to get a burial insurance policy