33 New Life Insurance Statistics and Trends

Here is a list of some of the newest statistics and trends in the life insurance industry over the past 12 months:

Reasons to Purchase Life Insurance

In 2023, the most common reason cited for purchasing life insurance was income replacement (61%), followed by covering mortgage debt (48%), and final expenses (33%).

Growth in Female Policyholders

Women have increasingly purchased life insurance, with a 15% growth in new policies by female policyholders, highlighting a shift towards gender parity in coverage.

Growth in Millennial Buyers

Millennials show an increasing interest in life insurance, with a 38% rise in policy acquisitions among individuals aged 25-40 in 2023, reports LIMRA.

Life Insurance Coverage Amounts

In terms of coverage amounts, the majority of new policies (57%) fall within the $100,000 to $250,000 range, reflecting consumer concerns about adequacy of coverage.

Online Purchases of Life Insurance Increase

Digital transformation is sweeping through the industry. The Insurance Information Institute reports that 47% of all life insurance policies were purchased online in 2023.

Life Insurance Industry Forecast

As we look towards 2024, industry forecasts by the Insurance Information Institute predict continued market growth, with a projected 5% increase in total premiums.

Life Insurance Policy Renewal Rates

A crucial metric to watch is the policy renewal rate, which stands strong at 74%, indicating high consumer satisfaction and trust in their life insurance providers.

Life Insurance Industry Performance

The industry’s performance metrics are robust. The low claim denial rate of 2% is a testament to the insurers’ commitment to fulfilling policyholder expectations.

Life Insurance Cost Trends

Challenges remain, particularly regarding cost trends. Policy pricing has seen an average increase of 3% in 2023, driven by rising life expectancy and changing mortality assumptions.

Term Life Insurance Growth

This increase has prompted many to look into term life insurance as a more economical option, and indeed 2023 saw a 15% jump in term life policy purchases.

Review the complete list of 33 New Life Insurance Statistics and Industry Trends for 2024.

What is the Oldest You Can Get Life Insurance?

Finding life insurance when you’re older can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you understand your options and the age limits associated with life insurance policies.

Why Age Matters in Life Insurance

Insurance companies consider age a major factor in determining eligibility and premium costs. The older you are, the higher the risk for the insurer, which affects your ability to get a policy and the cost of premiums.

Maximum Age Limits for Life Insurance

Most insurance companies have age limits for new life insurance policies. Here are some common age limits for different types of life insurance:

  1. Term Life Insurance: Generally, term life insurance policies have a maximum issue age between 75 and 80. Some insurers might offer term policies to those as old as 85, but this is less common. The term lengths available also decrease with age.
  2. Whole Life Insurance: Whole life policies, which provide coverage for your entire life and build cash value, usually have a maximum issue age of around 85. However, some insurers may extend this limit to 90.
  3. Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance: For those who may have health issues or are older, guaranteed issue policies are an option. These policies typically have maximum issue ages up to 85 or 90. They require no medical exams but come with higher premiums and lower coverage amounts.
  4. Simplified Issue Life Insurance: These policies, which require minimal health information, often have maximum issue ages between 75 and 85. They are a middle ground between fully underwritten policies and guaranteed issue policies.

Factors to Consider When Buying Life Insurance Later in Life

When buying life insurance at an older age, consider the following factors:

  • Premium Costs: Premiums increase with age. Make sure the policy fits within your budget.
  • Health Status: Your health can impact the types of policies available to you and their cost. Be honest about your health conditions when applying.
  • Coverage Needs: Determine how much coverage you need. Common reasons for life insurance at older ages include covering funeral costs, leaving an inheritance, or paying off debts.
  • Policy Features: Look for policies that offer the benefits you need, such as cash value accumulation or accelerated death benefits.

Tips for Finding the Right Policy

  1. Shop Around: Different insurers have different age limits and underwriting requirements. Compare policies from multiple companies.
  2. Work with an Agent: An insurance agent can help navigate the options and find a policy that fits your needs.
  3. Consider Group Life Insurance: Some employers and organizations offer group life insurance that might not have strict age limits.


While getting life insurance at an older age can be more expensive and challenging, options are available. Understanding the maximum age limits and carefully evaluating your needs and options can help you find the right policy to provide peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones.

Get a FREE Quote.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Buy Children’s Life Insurance

Buying children’s life insurance is a crucial decision that ensures their financial security in unforeseen circumstances.

Here’s a practical guide to help you navigate the process smoothly:

1. Understand the Importance

Children’s life insurance provides a safety net by covering funeral expenses and securing their future insurability. It also accrues cash value over time, which can be used for education or other needs.

2. Determine the Type of Insurance

There are primarily two types of children’s life insurance:

  • Whole Life Insurance: Provides lifelong coverage and builds cash value.
  • Term Life Insurance: Covers a specific period, usually until adulthood, without cash value.

Choose based on your needs and financial goals.

3. Research Insurance Providers

Look for reputable insurance companies that specialize in children’s policies. Consider factors like their financial stability, customer service reputation, and coverage options.

4. Assess Coverage Needs

Calculate the amount of coverage your child may need. Consider future expenses such as college tuition, medical costs, and any other financial obligations.

5. Understand Policy Details

Carefully review the terms and conditions of each policy you consider. Pay attention to premiums, coverage limits, exclusions, and any additional benefits offered.

6. Get Multiple Quotes

Obtain quotes from different insurers to compare premiums and coverage options. Factors such as your child’s age and health will influence the cost of the policy.

7. Consult with an Insurance Agent

An experienced insurance agent can provide valuable guidance tailored to your specific situation. They can help you understand complex policy details and recommend the most suitable coverage for your child.

8. Complete the Application Process

Once you’ve chosen a policy, complete the application process. This typically involves filling out forms and providing necessary documentation. Depending on the insurer, a medical examination may be required for your child.

9. Review and Adjust Regularly

Review your child’s life insurance policy periodically to ensure it continues to meet your needs. You may need to adjust coverage as your child grows older and your financial circumstances change.

Final Thoughts

Buying children’s life insurance is a proactive step towards securing their financial future. By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can make an informed decision that provides peace of mind knowing your child is protected.

Take the time to understand the options available and consult with professionals before purchasing children’s life insurance. It’s a decision that requires careful consideration but offers significant long-term benefits for your child’s financial security.

Can I Get Life Insurance at 85?

As you approach 85, securing life insurance becomes a significant consideration. While traditional options may be limited, specialized policies cater to seniors, ensuring financial protection for your loved ones.

Key Points to Consider:

  • Guaranteed Acceptance: Policies available typically for ages 45 to 85, offering fixed rates and lifetime protection.
  • No Medical Exam, No Health Questions Asked: Simplifies the application process with quick approval and no delays.
  • Death Benefit: Provides a lump sum payout to beneficiaries upon your passing.
  • Cash Value: Some policies accumulate cash value over time, which can be accessed if needed through loans or withdrawals.

Guaranteed acceptance life insurance is designed to accommodate seniors without the need for a medical exam or health questionnaire. This streamlined approach eliminates the usual hassles associated with traditional underwriting processes, making it quick and straightforward to obtain coverage.

While these policies offer convenience, it’s essential to weigh the benefits against potential limitations. Premiums for guaranteed acceptance policies are typically higher due to the increased risk assumed by insurers without health assessment.

Before selecting a policy, compare quotes from different providers to ensure you’re getting the best rates and terms. Understanding any waiting periods or specific conditions attached to the policy will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals.

Consider why you’re seeking life insurance at this stage in life. Whether it’s to cover final expenses, leave an inheritance, or provide financial stability, clarifying your objectives will guide you in choosing the most suitable coverage.

In conclusion, while securing life insurance at 85 may present challenges, guaranteed acceptance policies offer a viable solution for seniors looking to protect their loved ones without the complexities of medical underwriting. By exploring your options and understanding the specifics of each policy, you can ensure peace of mind and financial security for your family in the future. Get a FREE Quote.

Can I Buy a Life Insurance Policy on a Mortgage?

Buying a home is a significant financial commitment, and protecting that investment is crucial. One way to do this is by purchasing life insurance to cover your mortgage. But can you buy a life insurance policy specifically for your mortgage? Yes, you can, and here’s how it works.

What Is Mortgage Life Insurance?

Mortgage life insurance is designed to pay off your mortgage if you pass away before it’s fully paid. The death benefit goes directly to your lender, ensuring that your family isn’t burdened with mortgage payments during a difficult time.

How Does It Work?

There are two main types of mortgage life insurance:

  1. Decreasing Term Insurance: The death benefit decreases over time, matching your mortgage balance. This type is usually more affordable, with premiums staying the same while the coverage amount decreases.
  2. Level Term Insurance: The death benefit remains the same throughout the policy term. This offers more flexibility, as any leftover funds after paying the mortgage can be used for other expenses.

Advantages and Considerations


  • Peace of Mind: Your family won’t have to worry about mortgage payments if you die unexpectedly.
  • Affordability: Decreasing term insurance is typically less expensive than other types of life insurance.

Alternatives to Mortgage Life Insurance

Before deciding, consider these alternatives:

  • Term Life Insurance: Offers a fixed death benefit for a set period, such as 10, 15, 20, or 30 years. Your beneficiaries can use the payout for any purpose, including paying off the mortgage. It often provides more flexibility and can be more affordable.
  • Whole Life Insurance: Provides coverage for your entire life and includes a cash value component. It’s more expensive but offers lifelong protection and can serve as an investment.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing between mortgage life insurance and other types of life insurance depends on your financial situation and goals. If you want a straightforward way to cover your mortgage, mortgage life insurance might be a good fit. However, if you prefer flexibility and potentially better value, a term life insurance policy could be a better option.


Buying a life insurance policy to cover your mortgage can provide valuable peace of mind and financial security for your family. Carefully weigh your options, consider your needs, and choose the best policy to protect your home and loved ones. Request a free life insurance quote to protect your mortgage.

Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Son?

Yes, you can buy life insurance for your son. Many parents consider life insurance for their children to secure their financial future and cover unexpected expenses. Here’s a clear guide on how to buy life insurance for your son and why it might be a good idea.

Why Buy Life Insurance for Your Son?

Life insurance for a child might seem unusual, but it offers several benefits:

  1. Financial Protection: In the tragic event of your son’s death, life insurance can cover funeral and burial costs, which can be substantial.
  2. Low Premiums: Since children are typically healthy, the premiums are much lower compared to adults.
  3. Guaranteed Insurability: Buying a policy now ensures your son has coverage even if he develops health issues later in life.
  4. Cash Value: Some policies build cash value over time, which can be used for future expenses like college or a first home.

Types of Life Insurance for Children

There are two main types of life insurance to consider:

  1. Term Life Insurance: This type covers a specific period, usually 10, 20, or 30 years. It’s cheaper but doesn’t build cash value. Term life insurance for children is less common since long-term coverage is more suitable for adults.
  2. Whole Life Insurance: This type lasts for the child’s entire life and can build cash value over time. It’s more expensive but offers long-term benefits. The cash value can be borrowed against or used for significant life events.

How to Get Started

Before buying life insurance for your son, you’ll need some basic information about him, like his age and health status. Many child policies do not require a medical exam, making the process simpler.

Parental Consent and Ownership

As a parent, you have the right to purchase life insurance for your minor child. You will be the policy owner and beneficiary until your son reaches adulthood. At that point, you can transfer ownership to him, allowing him to manage the policy himself.

Choosing the Right Policy

When selecting a life insurance policy for your son, consider your financial goals:

  • If you want a long-term investment, a whole life policy might be best.
  • If you’re mainly concerned about covering unexpected expenses, a smaller whole life policy could be sufficient.

How to Apply

Start by comparing quotes from different insurance companies. Look for policies that offer the best combination of coverage and cost. Once you’ve chosen a policy, fill out the application with the necessary details about your son. The insurance company will review the application and decide on approval.


Buying life insurance for your son can provide financial security and peace of mind. By choosing the right type of policy and understanding its benefits, you can make a decision that supports your family’s future. Compare options carefully and select a policy that aligns with your financial goals and needs.

Can I Buy a Life Insurance Policy on My Mom?

Buying a life insurance policy for your mom is a loving and responsible decision that can provide financial security for your family. Here’s what you need to know about the process, the requirements, and making the best choice.

Understanding Insurable Interest

Before purchasing a life insurance policy for your mom, you need to prove “insurable interest.” This means showing that you would face financial hardship if your mom were to pass away. As her child, it’s generally easy to establish this connection since her death could mean funeral costs, unpaid medical bills, or loss of her financial support.

Getting Her Consent

You can’t take out a life insurance policy on someone without their knowledge or agreement. Your mom needs to be aware of the policy and must give her consent by signing the application. This may include answering health-related questions and possibly undergoing a medical exam. Consent ensures transparency and prevents any unauthorized policies.

Types of Life Insurance Policies

Choosing the right type of life insurance is crucial. Here are the main options:

  1. Term Life Insurance: Covers a specific period, like 10, 20, or 30 years. It’s typically more affordable and simpler.
  2. Whole Life Insurance: Provides lifetime coverage and includes a cash value component. It’s more expensive but offers additional benefits.
  3. Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance: A mix of term and whole life insurance, offering flexible premiums and death benefits.

Determining the Coverage Amount

Deciding how much coverage to buy depends on your family’s financial needs. Consider these factors:

  • Funeral and Burial Costs: These can be quite high, often ranging from $7,000 to $12,000 or more.
  • Outstanding Debts: Any debts your mom might have, such as medical bills or credit card balances.
  • Financial Contributions: If your mom contributes to household expenses, think about how her loss would impact your finances.

Premiums and Affordability

The cost of the life insurance policy, or premiums, is influenced by factors like your mom’s age, health, and the type of policy chosen. Term policies are usually less expensive than whole life policies. Make sure to choose a policy that fits your budget while providing adequate coverage.

Applying for the Policy

Applying for life insurance involves several steps:

  1. Research Providers: Look for reputable insurance companies and compare their offerings.
  2. Complete the Application: With your mom’s consent, fill out the application. This may include health questions and possibly a medical exam.
  3. Review the Policy: Once approved, carefully review the policy details to understand the terms, coverage, exclusions, and premium payments.

Designating Beneficiaries

You’ll need to designate beneficiaries for the policy. This could be you, your siblings, or other family members who would be financially impacted by your mom’s passing. Make sure the beneficiary information is accurate and up to date.

Reviewing and Maintaining the Policy

Regularly review the policy to ensure it continues to meet your needs. Keep track of premium payments to avoid lapses in coverage. If your family’s financial situation changes, adjust the policy accordingly.


Buying a life insurance policy on your mom is a thoughtful way to protect your family’s financial future. By understanding the requirements and carefully choosing the right type of policy and coverage amount, you can ensure that your mom’s final expenses and any financial gaps are covered. Always consult with a licensed insurance agent to get personalized advice and find the best policy for your situation. Request a free life insurance quote.

Exploring Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance with Immediate Approval

Guaranteed acceptance life insurance with immediate approval provides a simplified pathway to coverage for individuals facing health challenges or seeking a straightforward insurance solution.

Understanding Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance

This insurance option is tailored for those who have been denied coverage elsewhere due to pre-existing health conditions. Whether you have diabetes, heart conditions, or other medical issues, you can typically qualify without undergoing a medical exam or answering health-related questions. The application process is designed to be accessible and quick, requiring basic personal information.

How Immediate Approval Works

Immediate approval means you can secure coverage swiftly, often within minutes of completing the application. Unlike traditional policies that involve detailed health assessments, guaranteed acceptance policies skip these steps. This accessibility makes them suitable for a wide range of individuals, irrespective of their health history.

Key Features of Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance

  • No Health Inquiries: Applicants are not required to disclose their medical history or current health status.
  • No Medical Tests: There’s no need for a physical examination or blood tests.
  • Instant Coverage: Upon approval, your policy becomes effective immediately or after a brief waiting period.
  • Fixed Premiums: Monthly premiums remain consistent over the life of the policy, ensuring predictability.

Who Should Consider This Type of Insurance?

Guaranteed acceptance life insurance is particularly beneficial for:

  • Individuals with Pre-existing Conditions: If you’ve faced challenges obtaining coverage due to health issues, this option ensures you can still secure insurance.
  • Those Seeking Simplicity: If you prefer a straightforward application process without health-related complexities.
  • Planning for Final Expenses: Often used to cover funeral costs, outstanding debts, or to leave a financial legacy for loved ones.

Important Factors to Consider

While guaranteed acceptance policies offer accessibility, there are important considerations:

  • Premium Costs: Monthly payments may be higher compared to traditional life insurance due to increased risk.
  • Coverage Limits: Policies typically offer lower coverage amounts, usually ranging from $5,000 to $25,000.
  • Waiting Periods: Some policies may include a waiting period before full benefits are available, usually one to two years.

Choosing the Right Policy

When shopping for guaranteed acceptance life insurance:

  • Research: Explore options from different insurers to find the best premiums and coverage limits.
  • Policy Details: Understand all terms, including exclusions or limitations.
  • Consultation with Experts: Insurance agents can provide personalized advice to help you select the most suitable policy.


Guaranteed acceptance life insurance with immediate approval provides an accessible means to secure coverage, particularly for individuals with health challenges or those seeking a streamlined application process. Whether you have medical conditions or simply prefer simplicity in insurance procurement, this type of policy ensures financial protection for your loved ones. By understanding its features and conducting thorough research, you can confidently choose a policy that meets your needs and offers peace of mind. Get a FREE Quote today.

Can I Buy Life Insurance on My Elderly Father?

Purchasing Life Insurance for Your Elderly Father: What You Need to Know

Yes, it’s possible to buy life insurance for your elderly father. This decision can help cover final expenses, manage medical bills, or provide financial support for dependents. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this process.

Reasons to Consider Life Insurance for Your Elderly Father

There are several compelling reasons to secure life insurance for your elderly father:

  1. Covering Final Expenses: Funeral costs and end-of-life expenses can be significant, and life insurance can help alleviate this financial burden.
  2. Managing Outstanding Debts: If your father has unpaid debts, a life insurance payout can help settle them.
  3. Providing Financial Support: Ensuring financial stability for surviving family members, such as a spouse or dependent children.
  4. Leaving a Legacy: Creating a financial legacy for grandchildren or other beneficiaries.

Ensuring Your Father’s Consent

You must obtain your father’s consent to purchase life insurance for him. He must be aware of the policy and participate in the application process, which may include a medical examination.

Types of Life Insurance Policies

When considering life insurance for an elderly parent, you have a few options:

  1. Term Life Insurance: Provides coverage for a specific period, such as 10, 15, or 20 years. It is usually less expensive but may be more difficult to obtain for older individuals.
  2. Whole Life Insurance: A permanent policy that lasts a lifetime as long as premiums are paid. This type is more costly but guarantees a payout.
  3. Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance: Requires no medical exam, which can be advantageous if your father has health issues. However, it comes with higher premiums and lower coverage amounts.

Evaluating Health and Age

Your father’s health and age will significantly influence the availability and cost of life insurance. Insurers will review his medical history, current health status, and lifestyle. Generally, healthier individuals receive better rates, but guaranteed issue policies might be the best option if health issues are present.

Shopping for Quotes

It’s essential to shop around and compare quotes from various insurance companies. Each insurer assesses risk differently, resulting in varied prices and terms. Utilize online tools, speak with insurance agents, and gather multiple quotes to find the best policy.

Understanding Premiums and Costs

Premiums for life insurance on an elderly person can be high. Ensure that the premiums are manageable and that the policy provides adequate coverage. Balancing cost with the need for sufficient insurance is crucial.

Selecting the Beneficiary

Choose who will be the beneficiary of the policy. This person will receive the death benefit when your father passes away. Ensure the beneficiary is someone who will use the funds responsibly and in accordance with your father’s wishes.

Reviewing the Policy Details

Before finalizing the policy, review it thoroughly. Understand the terms, conditions, and any exclusions. Make sure the policy aligns with your goals and provides the necessary protection.

Final Thoughts

Securing life insurance for your elderly father can bring peace of mind and financial security. Whether the purpose is to cover final expenses, manage debts, or support dependents, having a policy in place ensures your family is prepared for the future. Consult with a professional to address any questions and receive guidance throughout the process. This ensures you make the best decision for your family’s needs and financial well-being. Get a FREE Quote today.

Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Adult Son?

Securing Your Adult Son’s Future: A Guide to Purchasing Life Insurance

As a parent, your concern for your child’s well-being doesn’t diminish with age. This often leads to questions about whether you can buy life insurance for your grown son. The answer is yes, and here’s what you should know.

Investing in life insurance for your adult son provides vital protection and peace of mind. It ensures financial support in unforeseen circumstances, covering expenses like funeral costs, outstanding debts, or leaving an inheritance. It’s a proactive step toward safeguarding his future.

The process is straightforward. With your son’s consent, you can start the process, involving a medical examination and sharing health and lifestyle details. This helps determine the coverage he needs and ensures he gets the right policy.

There are different types of life insurance to consider.

Term life insurance covers a specific period, offering affordability for short-term needs.

Permanent life insurance provides lifelong coverage and builds cash value over time, offering long-term financial security.

Costs vary based on factors like age, health, and coverage amount. Generally, younger and healthier individuals pay lower premiums. It’s wise to compare quotes from various insurers to find the best rates.

Buying life insurance for your adult son is a prudent decision that demonstrates your commitment to his future. It provides protection and reassurance, ensuring he’s financially secure no matter what life throws his way. By discussing it openly and exploring options together, you can find the right policy to suit your family’s needs. If you’re considering purchasing life insurance for your grown son, reach out to insurance providers to start the process and secure his future. Get a FREE Quote today.