How Much Life Insurance Can You Get Without A Physical?

The most life insurance that I know of that you can get without a physical, in one policy, is $500,000. This is at certain ages and within health parameters.

People too young or old to get this much, or who have poor health, may have a cap of $25,000 or so.

If you purchase life insurance from several different life insurance companies, you could get as much as $1,000,000 without a physical exam being required.

Also, you may be able to buy up to $1,000,000 of accidental death life insurance with no medical exam and no health questions asked.

Each no exam life insurance has it’s own set of guidelines for approval based on your age and answers to the health questions asked. Some plans provide immediate coverage while others have graded death benefits that increase over time.

Here’s how to get a life insurance quote with no physical exam required.