When Should I Have Life Insurance?

A good time to purchase life insurance is while you are young and healthy. That is when you can lock in the lowest rates for your life insurance policy.

However, if you are past your youth or do not have good health, it is still a good time to get life insurance. There are life insurance policies out there for everyone, and age and poor health don’t make you need it any less.

If you are considering life insurance then you must have some kind of need. Whether you are getting married, starting a family, have people who rely on you for financial support, or have a home mortgage loan, car loan or other debt, now may be a good time to get life insurance.

In addition, life insurance can help to replace your income for your family so they can maintain the style of living they shared with toy, in case you are no longer there to provide for them.

Here are the top 10 reasons people buy life insurance to help you better understand your needs and determine if now is the right time for you to purchase life insurance protection.