What Company offers Life Insurance with No Exams?

No exam life insurance is becoming more common with so many people searching for a quick and easy way to purchase their life insurance coverage online.

Among the insurers offering smaller life insurance policies with n exams are Globe Life, Colonial Penn, Mutual of Omaha, and AARP/New York Life. These plans usually offer up to $30,000 or less of simplified life insurance without any exams.

In addition, there are insurers offering higher limits of no exam life insurance coverage.

ANICO offers up to $250,000 of life insurance without an exam.

Met Life offers up to $300,000 of no exam life insurance.

And, National Life Group which is rated “A” Excellent for financial security offers up to $350,000 of life insurance with no exams. You can apply online and start your life insurance coverage today, if you qualify.