Why Would I Be Turned Down For Life Insurance?

When you apply for a life insurance policy there is a chance you may be turned down for coverage.

There are several reasons a life insurance company may turn you down for life insurance.

Some of the more common reasons people are turned down for life insurance include:

1. Age – Too old to be insured.

2. Weight – Obesity may result in being turned down.

3. HIV/AIDS – Some insurers do insure people with HIV.

4. Diabetes – Some insurers do insure diabetics depending on your health and how you manage your diabetes.

5. Smoking – If you have lung cancer or emphysema you’ll probably be turned down.

6. Driving Record – people with 2 or more DUI’s in the past 5 years may be turned down.

7. Occupation or Hobbies – High risk jobs or hobbies may result in being turned down.

8. Illegal drugs in your system.

9. If you Lied on the application for life insurance.

These are some of the more common reasons people are declined for life insurance coverage.

However, if you are declined you may still be able to qualify for life insurance.

Here’s another option if you have been turned down for life insurance.

About termlifeonline
Thanks for visiting my blog. I write for several insurance blogs and for Term Life Online. I have more than 20 years of insurance experience.

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